More vibrant every day . . .

Yes, you want to look and feel your absolute best regardless of your age.

You believe that vitality and well-being do not need to be sacrificed to bearing children,
or growing older.

You want to shine authentically from the inside out.

You want your children to understand and appreciate preventative health care
that is individual and based in nutritional science,
but also in tradition and myth, symbol and story.

You want to pay for health care that keeps you healthy and
would rather do without the kind that fights disease.
Yes, you would really really love all that. ahh…..

But right now you feel stuck

Maybe you’ve been trying to eat well for awhile,
but can’t seem to really get your energy back,
lose weight, or find your emotional equilibrium.

Or maybe you know you are doing too much
but aren’t able to get your mind to stop racing and settle.
Perhaps you are just getting started and need some extra support
to find the energy to get this
whole Traditional Foods thing off the ground!

Doctors, Naturopaths maybe even Therapists.
You’ve had some success,
but you just haven’t been able to find deep vitality and contentment.

You keep hearing about wellness and peaceful living,
but for some reason it seems beyond your grasp.

Perhaps you’ve even given up and accepted that it’s just the way things are.

You've tried so many things . . .

After discovering Traditional Foods, I had an initial breakthrough in how I felt. It was truly amazing. My digestion improved and my depression lifted. But, the pain in my hips and my deep exhaustion left me feeling like a bit of a fraud. I was spending hours in the kitchen making my own sourdough crumpets and feta cheese, and I couldn’t really say I felt GREAT!

Then I discovered Nutritional Therapy and was able to leave my plateau behind. After careful and targeted nutritional support, I was able to slow myself down and also feel more energy and solidity for what was really important in my life. Lifelong chronic constipation cleared immediately, my period started cycling with the moon, and eventually I was even dreaming again after a long span of only occasional dreams.

I continue to improve both physically and psychologically as does my whole family and now my clients as well. The truth is that being human is an imperfect reality and immortality or perfect health isn’t actually the goal. The real goal is to recover one’s resilience and ability to flow with and through life’s realities and challenges with zest and humility, excitement and compassion.

I know how it feels . . .

You don’t have to just live with it.

You don’t have to do it alone.

There is another way . . .

What if I told you . . .

Healing Foods when combined with a targeted supplementation protocol that works at a foundational level to help you recover your basic nutritional stores is a powerful and effective way to recover and restore vitality. Many of the most stubborn plateaus can be worked through with the help of your body’s somatic wisdom though Myth Mending.

Nutritional Therapy is incredibly complicated and nuanced and can often help with even the most stubborn stucknesses. Along with it’s Detoxification Therapies, Nutritional Therapy restores nutrient stores that have been lost over generations due to declining use of traditional foods as well as the decrease in nutrient density of much of the food available to us.

That's why I created Butter Alchemy

Nutritional Therapy begins by addressing the foundations of the digestion process in order to restore your body’s inherent ability to create and maintain well being through homeostasis. We use supplements (either food based or formulated by carefully selected companies) to help you recover basic vitality. As a result you begin to have the energy to explore further.

Once your digestion is running smoothly we can begin to consider other systems as well and gently encourage them to return to balance. This means restoring your body's blood sugar regulation, fatty acid balance, mineral balance, and hydration.

This in turn supports healthy metabolic function and electrolytic balance so that your body runs smoothly and efficiently. Metabolic healing can hep you embrace the pleasure of eating and your natural healthy body weight without restriction.

On top of all this I also offer my signature process Myth Mending, to help you overcome deep emotional or spiritual blocks to your full and vital recovery. This process is gentle yet powerful and will spill over into your entire life to restore the flow of love and well-being in your life.

How it Works . . .

Butter Alchemy can help you:
• lose weight / gain weight
• overcome depression, anxiety, and/or addiction
• overcome infertility, and/or menstrual/menopausal difficulties
• improve emotional sense of well being
• restore energy levels without caffeine
• nourish your children and family
• find alternatives to generally accepted remedies that aren’t working

Butter Alchemy is for anyone who:
• is interested in receiving in depth, individual support during times of transformation.
• have tried everything else and need something that works at a deeper level.
• wants to relate to conflict in a way that makes it more comfortable.
• are open to embracing their inner healer as an ally and teacher.
• want to see things from a bigger picture without denying local reality.

Nutritional Therapy protocols are designed to be easy to follow if you take it one step at a time. You may even feel worse at times before you feel better. However, my experience is that if you can stick to the program for at least 6 months (or through an initial test and one re-test), you will have so many positive results that you will start to look forward to the discomforts, knowing they are part of healing and restoration of even deeper vitality and contentment!

You can do it!

Who Butter Alchemy is for . . .

If this will be your first experience with Butter Alchemy, you will start with the DIY Supplement Oracle plus 3 sessions.

Butter Alchemy starter package - $425

Seasonal Cleanse Kit - $129

After that:

DIY Supplement Oracle alone for $79

+ 1 consult - $150

+ 3 consults - $400

Get started now . . .


Please set us a time for us to have a small chat to see if Butter Alchemy is a good fit, or just to "meet" me before committing. I'd love to talk with you! 

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